My Picture Story
My Picture Story
Hi all,
This is the second week of blog post for english duty.
This time I will post some photos that I took while around pontianak city.
I took this photo by using a personal mobile phone and with my still amateur photo skills.
Nowadays, the technology is getting more sophisticated, almost all the people now use smart phones and it is very helpful for us to capture an interesting event or just give or get information.
Here I will show some pictures that I take, check and read !
This is the second week of blog post for english duty.
This time I will post some photos that I took while around pontianak city.
I took this photo by using a personal mobile phone and with my still amateur photo skills.
Nowadays, the technology is getting more sophisticated, almost all the people now use smart phones and it is very helpful for us to capture an interesting event or just give or get information.
Here I will show some pictures that I take, check and read !
● Tugu Pontianak 1771
Location : Jl Sultan Syahrir / Jl. M.Yamin batas Kel. Akcaya Kec. Pontianak Selatan dan Kel. Sungai Bangkong Kec. Pontianak Kota
This Y shaped monument
illustrates the crossing of the Kapuas and Landak rivers that divide the city
of Pontianak. The official name is unknown, some call it monument pontianak
1771 or better known as Tugu roundabout Kota Baru. There is no information about
the monument except the inauguration inscription signed by the Pontianak Mayor
H. Sutarmidji, S.H., M. Hum. on May 17, 2010. In the inscription itself is not
written what the name of his monument. In addition to this inscription, there
are two pillars depicting the company logo of Holcim that signifies the
monument was built by the company.
● Home Read Akcaya Park
This is a newly built
reading house in a Park Akcaya area.
This house is newly built
and newly inaugurated around the beginning of 2017 on February 28, 2017 by the
mayor of Pontianak H. Sutarmidji, S.H., M. Hum.
The atmosphere there is
very calm. If visiting this park on the weekend will be crowded once the
children will read here. Taman read here provides many books of science and
story books that are very liked by children.
Ini adalah rumah baca yang baru dibangun di kawasan taman Akcaya.
Rumah ini baru dibangun dan baru diresmikan sekitar awal 2017 pada tanggal 28 Februari 2017 oleh walikota Pontianak H. Sutarmidji, S.H., M.Hum.
Suasana di sana sangat tenang. Jika mengunjungi taman ini pada akhir pekan akan ramai sekali anak-anak akan membaca di sini. Taman baca disini menyediakan banyak buku ilmu pengetahuan dan buku cerita yang sangat digemari oleh anak-anak
● Qubu Resort
Location : Jl. Arteri Supadio, Kubu Raya
Qubu Resort or better known ParadisQ Waterpark is a place
for water rides. People are very enthusiastic when they know the opening of
this recreation place at the end of 2016. especially for young people who like
the most new things. For tickets there is quite expensive but in accordance
with the facilities provided. there is a large swimming pool, high waterslide,
and other facilities. this place will be more crowded again during weekends or
national holidays.
Qubu Resort atau yang lebih dikenal ParadisQ Waterpark ini
merupakan tempat wahana permainan air. Masyarakat sangat antusias saat tahu
kabar dibukanya tempat rekreasi ini di akhir tahun 2016. khususnya untuk para
anak muda yang paling suka dengan hal yang baru. Untuk tiket disana cukup
dibilang mahal tapi sesuai dengan fasilitas yang disediakan. terdapat kolam
renang yang luas, seluncuran air yang tinggi, serta fasilitas lainnya. tempat
ini akan lebih ramai lagi dikunjungi saat akhir pekan atau hari libur nasional
● Bus Haj Pilgrims
Location : Asrama Haji Pontianak, Jl.Letjen Sutoyo No. 17
There are five bus haj pilgrims who are parked in the haj pilgrimage yard. these buses have picked up the haj pilgrims at Supadio Pontianak airport who have returned from Mecca. when arriving at the haj pilgrimage yard, the passengers are pilgrims enter the haj pilgrimage hall first to get directions to take the goods that will be taken back home respectively.
These buses will also pick up returning haj pilgrims from Mecca at Supadio airport the next day if there is still a pilgrim who will return .
Terdapat lima bus angkutan jamaah haji yang terparkir di halaman asrama haji. Bus-bus ini telah menjemput para jamaah haji di bandara Supadio Pontianak yang telah kembali dari mekah. saat sampai diasrama haji, para penumpang yaitu jamaah haji memasuki aula asrama haji terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan arahan pengambilan barang-barang yang akan dibawa pulang kerumah masing-masing.
Bus-bus ini juga yang akan menjemput kembali para jamaah haji yang sudah kembali dari mekah di bandara Supadio keesokan harinya jika jamaah haji masih ada yang akan kembali.
That is all from me. Hopefully this post can provide new knowledge and information for all readers. Thank you to all of you . See you my next post .. 🙆🙆
oh nice